Ludhiana to Kapurthala Bus Time table latest: In this article, we will provide you Ludhiana to Kapurthala Bus Time table with all the details like a fair price and its distance and a complete timetable related to this.
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Table of Contents
Note: Traveling Time Can Not Be the Same, It Depends on Many Factors such as Traffic, Bus Speed, etc so do not depend on the traveling time. And Passengers are requested to Visit the Bus Stand Before the Bus Departing time.
The bus time table from Ludhiana to Kapurthala:
Here is a table that shows the departure time, route, bus type, and fare price of some buses that operate on this route.
Departure Time | Route | Bus Type | Fare Price |
12:00 hrs | Ludhiana to Kapurthala via Goraya, Phagwara, Jalandhar | PRTC Ordinary | INR 105 |
12:50 hrs | Ludhiana to Kapurthala via Goraya, Phagwara, Jalandhar | PRTC AC | INR 150 |
16:45 hrs | Ludhiana to Kapurthala via Goraya, Phagwara, Jalandhar | PRTC Ordinary | INR 105 |
17:00 hrs | Ludhiana to Kapurthala via Goraya, Phagwara, Jalandhar | PRTC Ordinary | INR 105 |
18:30 hrs | Ludhiana to Kapurthala via Goraya, Phagwara, Jalandhar | PRTC Ordinary | INR 105 |
What is the distance between Ludhiana and Kapurthala?
The distance between Ludhiana and Kapurthala is 91.8 km by road or 70 km by air.
How long does it take to travel from Ludhiana to Kapurthala?
The distance between Ludhiana and Kapurthala is 91.8 km by road or 70 km by air. It takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes to drive from Ludhiana to Kapurthala.
What is the first bus departure time from Ludhiana to Kapurthala?
What is the last bus departure time from Ludhiana to Kapurthala?
What is the bus type of the buses from Ludhiana to Kapurthala?
PRTC ordinary or PRTC ac
What is the fare price of the buses from Ludhiana to Kapurthala?
INR 105 for PRTC Ordinary or INR 150 for PRTC AC
How long does it take to travel from Ludhiana to Kapurthala by bus?
About 1 hour and 30 minutes
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