Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur Bus Time table latest

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Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur Bus Time table latest:In this article, we will provide you Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur Bus Time table with all the details like a fair price and its distance and a complete timetable related to this.

Bus Time Table (bustimetable.orghas dedicated work with all state Roadways Bus Time Table/ Roadways Bus Timing and other important queries for people.

The bus time table from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur:

Here is a table that shows the departure time, route, bus type, and fare price of some buses that operate on this route.

Departure TimeRouteBus TypeFare Price
06:58 hrsLudhiana to Hoshiarpur via Phillaur, Goraya, PhagwaraPRTC OrdinaryINR 105
07:48 hrsLudhiana to Hoshiarpur via Phillaur, Goraya, PhagwaraPRTC OrdinaryINR 105
09:32 hrsLudhiana to Hoshiarpur via Phillaur, Goraya, PhagwaraPRTC OrdinaryINR 105
10:19 hrsLudhiana to Hoshiarpur via Phillaur, Goraya, PhagwaraPRTC OrdinaryINR 105
13:14 hrsLudhiana to Hoshiarpur via Phillaur, Goraya, PhagwaraPRTC OrdinaryINR 105
15:17 hrsLudhiana to Hoshiarpur via Phillaur, Goraya, PhagwaraPRTC OrdinaryINR 105
19:40 hrsLudhiana to Hoshiarpur via Phillaur, Goraya, PhagwaraPRTC OrdinaryINR 105
Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur Bus Time table latest

The morning and evening buses from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur:

Here is a list of some buses that operate in the morning and evening hours:

  • Morning buses:
    • The first bus departs at 06:58 hrs and reaches Hoshiarpur via Phillaur, Goraya, Phagwara. It is a PRTC Ordinary bus and the fare price is INR 105.
    • The next bus departs at 07:48 hrs and follows the same route, bus type, and fare price as the previous one.
    • The third bus departs at 09:32 hrs and also follows the same route, bus type, and fare price as the first two buses.
    • The fourth bus departs at 10:19 hrs and follows the same route, bus type, and fare price as the previous buses.
  • Evening buses:
    • The first evening bus departs at 13:14 hrs and follows the same route, bus type, and fare price as the morning buses.
    • The next bus departs at 15:17 hrs and follows the same route, bus type, and fare price as the previous one.
    • The last bus departs at 19:40 hrs and follows the same route, bus type, and fare price as the other buses.

The duration of travel from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur

The duration of travel from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur depends on the mode of transportation and the route chosen:

By cab:

The fastest and most direct way to travel from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur is by cab. It takes about 1 hour and 29 minutes to cover the distance of 79.6 km via NH 44 and NH 3. The fare price starts from INR 1600 onwards.

By train and cab:

A cheaper but slightly longer way to travel from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur is by train and cab. It takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes to cover the distance of 95.8 km via train from Ludhiana to Phagwara and then cab from Phagwara to Hoshiarpur. The train fare price starts from INR 8 onwards and the cab fare price starts from INR 1460 onwards.

By train and bus:

Another cheaper but longer way to travel from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur is by train and bus. It takes about 2 hours and 55 minutes to cover the distance of 97.4 km via train from Ludhiana to Jalandhar and then bus from Jalandhar to Hoshiarpur. The train fare price starts from INR 8 onwards and the bus fare price starts from INR 1399 onwards.

By bus and cab:

A more expensive but slightly faster way to travel from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur is by bus and cab. It takes about 3 hours and 39 minutes to cover the distance of 114.4 km via bus from Ludhiana to Jalandhar and then cab from Jalandhar to Hoshiarpur. The bus fare price starts from INR 450 onwards and the cab fare price starts from INR 1368 onwards.

By cab and bus:

The most expensive and longest way to travel from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur is by cab and bus. It takes about 5 hours and 6 minutes to cover the distance of 161.5 km via cab from Ludhiana to Chandigarh and then bus from Chandigarh to Hoshiarpur. The cab fare price starts from INR 1359 onwards and the bus fare price starts from INR 1399 onwards.

What is the first bus departure time from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur?


What is the bus type of the buses from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur?

PRTC Ordinary

What is the fare price of the buses from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur?

INR 105

How long does it take to travel from Ludhiana to Hoshiarpur by bus?

2-3 hours

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