Rohtak to Chandigarh Bus Time Table 2023-2024 : Rohtak to Chandigarh Bus Stand Timing for Haryana Roadways buses . Depature time of haryana roadways buses are given below.
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Rohtak to Chandigarh Bus Time Table
According to the web search results, the bus time table from Rohtak to Chandigarh is as follows:
Departure Time | Route | Via | Bus Type |
04:00 AM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
04:40 AM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
05:05 AM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Ambala–Narnaul Expressway (NH-152D) | HR Roadways |
05:40 AM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
06:10 AM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways, AC LUXURY |
06:50 AM | Rohtak to Chandigararh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | CTU Ordinary |
07:00 AM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Ambala–Narnaul Expressway (NH-152D) | HR Roadways |
08:40 AM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
09:20 AM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
09:50 AM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
10:10 AM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
10:40 AM | Narnaul to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | CTU Ordinary |
10:50 AM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
12:00 PM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
12:30 PM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
01:40 PM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | CTU |
01:50 PM | Sikar to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | RSRTC Express |
03:20 PM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
04:10 PM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
06:00 PM | Jhajjar to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
06:20 PM | Bhiwani to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
10:30 PM | Rohtak to Chandigarh | Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, Ambala | HR Roadways |
The distance between Rohtak and Chandigarh is 242 km and the average bus duration is 4 hours 13 minutes. The cheapest bus ticket is INR 395. You can book your bus tickets online from redBus or other websites. You can also check the train time table from Yatra or other sources. I hope this information helps you plan your trip. Have a safe and comfortable journey!
The distance between Rohtak and Chandigarh
The distance between Rohtak and Chandigarh is 242 km and the average bus duration is 4 hours 13 minutes.
The bus ticket Rohtak and Chandigarh
The cheapest bus ticket is INR 395.
Some frequently asked questions about Rohtak to Chandigarh bus time table:
How many buses are available from Rohtak to Chandigarh?
A: According to the our search results, there are 22 buses operating from Rohtak to Chandigarh on a daily basis. The bus operators include Haryana Roadways, CTU, RSRTC Express, and Vijay Tour and Travels
How much does it cost to book a bus ticket from Rohtak to Chandigarh?
The cheapest bus ticket from Rohtak to Chandigarh is INR 395 by Haryana Roadways. The most expensive bus ticket is INR 699 by Shree Raj Akanshi Travels. You can also book your bus tickets online from redBus or other websites.
How long does it take to travel from Rohtak to Chandigarh by bus?
The distance between Rohtak and Chandigarh is 242 km and the average bus duration is 4 hours 13 minutes. The shortest time to reach Chandigarh is 4 hours by Chandigarh Garib Rath Express train.
What are the alternative routes from Rohtak to Chandigarh?
A: Besides the regular route via Gohana, Panipat, Karnal, Pipli, and Ambala, there are two alternative routes from Rohtak to Chandigarh. One is via Ambala–Narnaul Expressway (NH-152D) and the other is via train. You can check the train time table from Yatra or other sources.