Rohtak to Alwar Bus Time Table latest 2023– Haryana Roadways

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Rohtak to Alwar Bus Stand Time Table 2023 : Rohtak to Alwar Bus Stand Timing for Haryana Roadways buses . Depature time of haryana roadways buses are given below .

In this article we will provide you the Rohtak to Alwar Bus Time Table .SO if you can the timings of buses in the table below:-

According to the our results, the latest Haryana roadways bus time table for Rohtak to Alwar is as follows:

Serial numberDeparture timeBus routeViaBus type
01.6:25 amRohtak to AlwarJhajjar, Rewari, Daruhera, BhiwadiHaryana roadways

Distance between Rohtak to Alwar:-

The distance between Rohtak and Alwar is 203 km .

The bus ticket price :-

the bus ticket price is 215 Rs (approx).

Alternatively, you can also book a bus ticket online from RSRTC Ticket Booking or, where you can find more options for bus routes, timings, and fares. You can also check the train time table for Rohtak to Alwar from Indian railways. I hope this information helps you plan your trip.

Please note that passengers are advised to confirm the Rohtak to Alwar timetable from the rohtak bus stand enquiry number: 01262-276641 . Alternatively, Indian Railways operates trains between Rohtak and Alwar . You can find the train timetable by clicking on this link.

The Alwar bus stand enquiry number:-

 0144-2334 984

Distance between Rohtak to Alwar

203 km

ticket price from Rohtak to Alwar

215 Rs

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