Noida to Hathras bus timings latest 2024 -UPSRTC

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noida to Hathras bus timings: In this article, you can easily find noida to Hathras Bus Timings 2024 and Noida Bus Stand TimeSome other information like the Noida City Bus Stand Enquiry Number anHathras Bus Stand Contact Number, is provided in this article.

Bus Time Table (bustimetable.orghas dedicated work with all state Roadways Bus Time Table/ Roadways Bus Timing and other important queries for people.

Bus No.Departure TimeArrival Time
10506:00 AM09:30 AM
10608:00 AM11:30 AM
10710:00 AM01:30 PM
10812:00 PM03:30 PM
10902:00 PM05:30 PM
11004:00 PM07:30 PM

Important details:-

Name of Corporation UPSRTC– Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation 
UPSRTC Toll Free Helpline NumberUPSRTC Helpline Number180018028779415049606 
Total Buses of UPSRTC 12400 (Approximate) 
Total Kilo Meter covered by UPSRTC 144 Crore (Approximate)
UPSRTC Total Passengers  58 Crore (Approximate)
UPSRTC Total Earning4800 Crore Per Annum 
Website of UPSRTC 
UPSRTC online Bus booking link 

UPSRTC details

FAQs about Noida to Hathras bus service

How far is Hathras from Noida by road?

The distance between Noida and Hathras is about 160 km by road.

How much does a bus ticket from Noida to Hathras cost?

usually around Rs. 300.

Which route do the buses from Noida to Hathras take?

The buses from Noida to Hathras usually go via Aligarh or Mathura.

Where can I find more information or book a bus ticket from Noida to Hathras?

You can visit the official website of Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation or use other online platforms to book your tickets.

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