Ludhiana to Dirba Bus Time table latest: In this article, we will provide you Ludhiana to Dirba Bus Time table with all the details like a fair price and its distance and a complete timetable related to this.
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Table of Contents
Here is a table of bus timings from Ludhiana to Dirba Bus with via routes, fare price and time taken by the buses.
Departure Time | Route Via | Bus Type | Fare | Time Taken |
04:25 hrs | Sangrur | PRTC Ordinary | INR 711 | 3 hrs 15 min |
06:27 hrs | Sangrur | PRTC AC | INR 1599 | 3 hrs 15 min |
09:59 hrs | Sangrur | PRTC AC | INR 1599 | 3 hrs 15 min |
10:13 hrs | Maler Kotla, Dhuri, Sangrur | PRTC Ordinary | INR 711 | 3 hrs 15 min |
11:20 hrs | Maler Kotla, Dhuri, Sangrur | PRTC Ordinary | INR 711 | 3 hrs 15 min |
11:54 hrs | Maler Kotla, Dhuri, Sangrur | PRTC Ordinary | INR 711 | 3 hrs 15 min |
14:05 hrs | Maler Kotla, Dhuri, Sangrur | PRTC Ordinary | INR 711 | 3 hrs 15 min |
Note: Traveling Time Can Not Be the Same, It Depends on Many Factors such as Traffic, Bus Speed, etc so do not depend on the traveling time. And Passengers are requested to Visit the Bus Stand Before the Bus Departing time.
What is the total distance to travel from Ludhiana to Dirba?
The distance between Ludhiana and Dirba is about 132.9 km by road. The travel time by road varies depending on the route and traffic conditions, but it is estimated to be around 2 hours and 15 minutes on average. You can also take a train from Ludhiana to Dirba, which takes about 3 hours and 23 minutes.
Some popular tourist attractions in Dirba
Dirba is a small town in the Sangrur district of Punjab, India. It is known for its annual cattle fair, which is held in January and attracts thousands of visitors and traders. Dirba also has some religious and historical places of interest, such as:
Gurudwara Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib:
This is a Sikh shrine that commemorates the visit of Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Sikh guru, to Dirba in 1670. The gurudwara has a beautiful dome and a spacious hall. It also hosts a fair every year on the occasion of Guru Tegh Bahadur’s martyrdom.
Baba Sidh Chano Mandir:
This is a Hindu temple dedicated to Baba Sidh Chano, a local saint who is believed to have miraculous powers. The temple is located on a hill and offers a panoramic view of the town. It also has a pond where devotees take a dip to seek blessings.
Dirba Kalan Fort:
This is a historical fort that was built by the rulers of Patiala state in the 18th century. It was used as a military outpost and a prison. The fort has a massive gate and a watchtower. It is now in a dilapidated condition but still attracts history lovers.
Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Memorial:
This is a memorial that honors Baba Banda Singh Bahadur, a Sikh warrior and a follower of Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh guru. Baba Banda Singh Bahadur led the first Sikh uprising against the Mughal empire and established a Sikh state in Punjab. He was captured and executed by the Mughals in 1716. The memorial has a statue of Baba Banda Singh Bahadur and a museum that displays his weapons and relics.
You can also explore other attractions such as the Dirba Stadium, the Dirba Bazaar, the Dirba Lake, and more.
Any good restaurants in Dirba
Many good restaurants in Dirba offer a variety of cuisines and dishes. Some of the best restaurants in Dirba are:
Food Cafe’: This is a newly opened fast food shop that serves Punjabi, Chinese, and Continental food. It is rated 4.5 out of 5 by the customers on Restaurant Guru.
What is the first departure time from Ludhiana to Dirba?
What is the approximate travel time from Ludhiana to Dirba?
3 hours
what is the fare price from Ludhiana to Dirba?
It is 700 on average, price depends on different buses and their facilities.
Tourist places in Dirba
Dirba Kalan Fort,Baba Sidh Chano Mandir,Gurudwara Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib
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