Table of Contents
Here is Bus timings of Haryana Roadways from Satnali to Jaipur as per stanali bus stand time table:
Sr.No. | Departure Time | Route | Via | Fare Price | Time taken |
1. | 7:30 AM | Satnali to Jaipur | Mahendergarh, Narnaul, Kotputli | 250-300 | 5 Hours |
Passengers are advised to confirm the timings of bus from Satnali to Jaipur from the Jaipur Bus stand.
Jaipur Bus stand Enquiry Number:-
Enquiry number of Jaipur Bus stand is 01285-222100 . You are advised to confirm bus timings before the Journey.
Total Distance from Satnali to Jaipur
According to Google Map distance from Satnali to Jaipur is Approximately 210 Km
Time taken to Travel Between Satnali to Jaipur
Haryana Roadways takes approximately 5 Hours to Cover distance between Satnali to Jaipur
Fare Price of Haryana Roadways to Cover distance between Satnali to Jaipur
Total distance between Satnali to Jaipur is 210 Kilometers and Fare price is 250 Approx.
Satnali to Jaipur Distance
210 kilometers
Kya Satnali se Jaipur Ke liye Bus jati h ?