Faridkot to Chandigarh Bus Stand Time Table Latest 2024-PRTC: In this article, we will provide you with a full Faridkot to Chandigarh Bus Stand Time Table Latest with all the details like contact number and other details like a fair price and its distance and complete timetable related to this.
Table of Contents
Bus Time Table (bustimetable.org) has dedicated work with all state Roadways Bus Time Table/ Roadways Bus Timing and other important queries for people.
We have covered popular routes from Jind Bus Stand, and all buses time.
Note: Traveling Time Can Not Be the Same, It Depends on Many Factors such as Traffic, Bus Speed, etc so do not depend on the traveling time. And Passengers are requested to Visit the Bus Stand Before the Bus Departing time.
PRTC Information | Links |
PRTC Enquiry Number | Enquiry Number |
PRTC Ticket Booking | E Booking |
PRTC Bus Passes | Bus Passes |
PRTC Email IDs | Email IDs |
PRTC Fare Structure / Calculator | Fare Structure |
PRTC Free And Concessional Travelling | Traveling |
Departure Time | Via & Bus Type |
5:30 A.M | Faridkot – Chandigarh |
6:00 A.M | Faridkot – Chandigarh |
6:35 A.M | Faridkot – Chandigarh |
7:15 A.M | Faridkot – Chandigarh |
7:50 A.M | Faridkot – Chandigarh |
6:25 P.M | Faridkot – Chandigarh |
8:55 A.M | Faridkot – Chandigarh |
12:05 P.M | Faridkot – Chandigarh |
12:15 P.M | Faridkot – Chandigarh |
1:55 P.M | Faridkot – Chandigarh |
4:25 P.M | Faridkot – Chandigarh |
How can I book a bus ticket from Faridkot to Chandigarh?
You can book a bus ticket online through various platforms such as redBus or Goibibo or visit the P.R.T.C Faridkot office at the bus stand.
What are the bus timings from Faridkot to Chandigarh? The bus timings from Faridkot to Chandigarh vary depending on the bus operator, route, and day of the week. You can find some of the bus timings from Faridkot to Chandigarh on this blog post. The average time taken by bus is 4 hours.
What is the fare for a bus ticket from Faridkot to Chandigarh?
The cheapest bus ticket is Rs. 600 offered by Jujhar Travels for a Volvo A/C Seater (2+2) bus. 1
What is the distance between Faridkot and Chandigarh by road?
The distance between Faridkot and Chandigarh by road is about 191 km.
What is the minimum time taken by a bus from Faridkot to Chandigarh?
The minimum time taken by a bus from Faridkot to Chandigarh is 4 hours.