Delhi to Chandigarh CTU AC Bus Timings :Delhi to Chandigarh Ctu Ac Bus Time Table 2024.Depature time of CTU buses are given below.
Table of Contents
CTU AC Bus Timings Main Via Route from Delhi to Chandigarh is Via Panipat, Karnal.
Note : Traveling Time Can Not Be Same , It Depend on Many Factors such as Traffic , Bus Speed etc so do not depend on the traveling time . And Passenger are requested to Visit Bus Stand Before Bus Departing time .
Sr.No. | Departure Time | Route (Via Panipat, Karnal ) | Bus Type |
1 | 07.10 hrs | Delhi ISBT to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
2 | 07.50 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
3 | 11.00 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
4 | 12.30 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
5 | 13.00 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
6 | 14.00 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
7 | 14.30 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
8 | 16.30 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
9 | 17.30 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
10 | 18.30 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
11 | 19.30 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
12 | 20.00 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
13 | 21.30 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
14 | 23.00 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
15 | 23.30 hrs | Delhi to Chandigarh- 17 | CTU AC Bus |
Important Links
Here is the table I created, with the CTU AC bus enquiry number and website link:
CTU AC Bus Enquiry Number | Website Link |
0172-2700006 (ISBT, Sector-17) | Book Ticket Online |
0172-2624403 (ISBT, Sector-43) | CTU |
18002747400 (Toll Free Number) | Home |
What is the distance and duration of Delhi to Chandigarh bus?
The distance between Delhi to Chandigarh is about 244 km, and the bus duration is approximately 3 to 4 hours.