Distance between Bhiwani to Faridabad is 192 kilometers and it takes 4 hours approximately. Time table of Haryana Roadways from Bhiwani to Faridabad is given below in the table
S.No | Departure time | Bus Route | Bus route via |
1 | 6:15 AM | Bhiwani to Faridabad | Faridabad, Gurugram, Jhajjar ,Beri, Rohtak, Kalanaur |
2 | 8:00 AM | Bhiwani to Faridabad | Faridabad, Gurugram, Jhajjar ,Beri, Rohtak, Kalanaur |
There are no direct buses between Bhiwani and Faridabad. However, you can take a bus from Bhiwani to Delhi and then take another bus or a metro train from Delhi to Faridabad. Here is a possible time table for your reference:
Departure | Arrival | Mode | Fare | Duration | Service | Via |
06:00 | 10:00 | Bus | ₹300 | 4h | Haryana Roadways | Rohtak, Bahadurgarh |
10:30 | 11:30 | Metro | ₹40 | 1h | Violet Line | Badarpur, Sarita Vihar |
11:30 | Faridabad | – | – | – | – | – |
Total | – | – | ₹340 | 5h 30m | – | – |
You can also take a train from Bhiwani to Faridabad, but it may take longer and cost more. I hope this helps you plan your trip. 😊
Is there any direct bus from Bhiwani to Faridabad??
There may be some private bus from Bhiwani to Faridabad
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