Arsha to Purulia Route Bus Timetable latest 2024: In this article, we will provide you with a full Arsha to Purulia Route Bus Time Table latest with all the details like contact number and other details like a fair price and its distance and complete timetable related to this.
Bus Time Table ( has dedicated work with all state Roadways Bus Time Table/ Roadways Bus Timing and other important queries for people.
Note: Traveling Time Can Not Be the Same, It Depends on Many Factors such as Traffic, Bus Speed, etc so do not depend on the traveling time. Passengers are requested to Visit the Bus Stand Before Bus Departing time.
Table of Contents
Here is the updated table of the bus timetable from Arsha to Purulia:
Time | Bus Name |
05.20 a.m. | Sangita (সঙ্গিতা) |
05.50 a.m. | Krishna (কৃষ্ণা) |
06.10 a.m. | Bartaman Krishna (বর্তমান কৃষ্ণা) |
06.45 a.m. | Biswanath (বিশ্বনাথ) |
07.05 a.m. | Krishna (কৃষ্ণা) |
07.45 a.m. | Krishna (কৃষ্ণা) |
08.15 a.m. | Jamini (যামিনী) |
08.20 a.m. | Avoy (অভয়) |
08.30 a.m. | Laxmi (লছমী) |
09.10 a.m. | Kali Shankar (কালী শংকর) |
09.40 a.m. | Sabitri (সাবিত্রী) |
09.50 a.m. | Kamaxya (কামাক্ষ্যা) |
10.05 a.m. | Krishna (কৃষ্ণা) |
10.10 a.m. | Parul (পারুল) |
10.30 a.m. | Kamaxya (কামাক্ষ্যা) |
11.20 a.m. | De Bus (দে বাস) |
12.00 a.m. | Krishna (কৃষ্ণা) |
12.10 a.m. | Avoy (অভয়) |
12.40 a.m. | Krishna (কৃষ্ণা) |
01.10 a.m. | Biswanath (বিশ্বনাথ) |
01.45 a.m. | De Bus (দে বাস) |
02.20 a.m. | Jamini (যামিনী) |
02.35 a.m. | Sabitri (সাবিত্রী) |
03.00 a.m. | Krishna (কৃষ্ণা) |
03.30 a.m. | Kamaxya (কামাক্ষ্যা) |
04.00 a.m. | Kamaxya |
04.45 a.m. | Krishna |
Sure, I can help you with some frequently asked questions about the Arsha to Purulia Route Bus time table. Here are some possible questions and answers:
- Q: How much is the bus fare from Arsha to Purulia?
- A: According to one of the web search results1, the bus fare from Arsha to Purulia is around ₹260 – ₹310, depending on the bus operator and the type of bus.
- Q: How far is Arsha from Purulia by bus?
- A: According to another web search result2, the distance between Arsha and Purulia by bus is about 217.1 km.
- Q: How long does it take to travel from Arsha to Purulia by bus?
- A: According to a third web search result3, the travel time from Arsha to Purulia by bus is about 6 to 7 hours, depending on the traffic, road and climatic conditions.
I hope this answers your questions. 😊
How much is the bus fare from Arsha to Purulia?
The bus fare from Arsha to Purulia is around ₹260 – ₹310.
How far is Arsha from Purulia by bus?
The distance between Arsha and Purulia by bus is about 217.1 km.
How long does it take to travel from Arsha to Purulia by bus?
The travel time from Arsha to Purulia by bus is about 6 to 7 hours, depending on the traffic, road and many more factor depends.