Ludhiana to Khanouri Bus time table latest- PRTC

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Ludhiana to Khanouri Bus time table latest: In this article, we will provide you Ludhiana to khanouri Bus Time table with all the details like a fair price and its distance and a complete timetable related to this.

Bus Time Table (bustimetable.orghas dedicated work with all state Roadways Bus Time Table/ Roadways Bus Timing and other important queries for people.

Total distance from Ludhiana to Khanouri 

The distance travel may vary depending on the traffic and the route. The distance between Ludhiana and Khanouri by road is approximately 142 kilometers

How much time a car takes to travel from Ludhiana to Khanouri ?

Khanouri is 142 kilometers from Ludhiana which takes about 3 hours.

The bus time table from Ludhiana to Khanouri:

Here is a table that shows the departure time, route, bus type, and fare price of some buses that operate on this route.

S.NoDeparture time Bus RouteBus TypeFare Price
104.25Ludhiana to Khanouri PRTC Ordinary
206.27Ludhiana to Khanouri PRTC Ordinary
309.59Ludhiana to Khanouri PRTC Ordinary
410.34Ludhiana to Khanouri PRTC Ordinary
511.20Ludhiana to Khanouri PRTC Ordinary
611.54Ludhiana to Khanouri PRTC Ordinary
Ludhiana to Khanouri Bus time table

How many buses travel to Khanouri from Ludhiana?

There is a PRTC bus service which takes 6 routes to travel from Ludhiana to Khanouri.

What is the distance from Ludhiana to Khanouri ?

Approximately 142 kilometers

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